If you are anything like me, then you were convinced to upgrade (in my case just one of my computers) to Windows 10 from either Windows 7 or 8. You tried it and realized that it really sucks. So now you may be looking for another operating system to replace the bloated, spyware laden, advertisement drive, slow, weak, and ugly looking windows 10 that currently pollutes and weighs down your machine. If that is the case then check out a quick list of ten operating systems that are way better than Windows 10. These are presented in no particular order, and there are surely many more than just 10 operating systems that are better than windows 10 but this is just a quick list of alternatives for you to consider.
So, here goes the list:
Windows 7

Windows 7 was great when it first came out and it still is great in my opinion, in fact I still think that it is the ‘Best Windows Ever’. And it is still actively supported by Microsoft until at least 2020, which is coming up pretty quickly but that’s at least three more years of ‘Active Support’ left in it. Windows 7 still functions and looks better than Windows 8 or 10, in my opinion. So if you agree just revert back to Windows 7, and in the meantime, maybe Microsoft will work all the bugs and crap out of Windows 10. You can still download Windows 7 from Microsoft here: microsoft.com.

Linux may seem a little intimidating to anyone switching from Windows at first, but after a little use it will become clear why Linux is such a popular choice for operating systems. It is very secure and stable, although it can have a tough learning curve. But if you are willing to learn something new it will be very rewarding. And if your are considering making the switch from Windows to Linux, Ubuntu is a great choice and a great starting place. For one thing it is very simple to learn and use, like windows. Also you can ‘try it’ on your computer (or any computer with a dvd/cd drive or usb port (if you have a usb thumbdrive your willing to format to try it), before you decide to install it. For more information about trying and/or using Ubuntu, visit: Ubuntu.com.
Mint Linux

Linux Mint is another great choice for x-windows users, because it is based in part off of Ubuntu. However, it just looks better, in my opinion, but its basically the same ‘under the hood’. Linux Mint comes with a variety of ‘desktops’, such as KDE, Gnome, Mate, Cinnamon, and XFCE (check out my previous post to see a review of linux mint with the XFCE desktop), and each of these is fully customizable, meaning you can make Linux Mint look just about anyway that you would like. And like Ubuntu, Linux Mint has a solid support community behind it that can help with any trouble you may run into while installing or running it. You can also try it out before installing it, just like Ubuntu. You can download and/or learn more about Linux Mint at: linuxmint.com.
OSX (Any newer version)

Apples Macintosh OSX operating system has been around a long time now, and it is based on the ‘unix-like’ BSD operating system, which is very similar to Linux. OSX is proven to be secure and stable, at least much more than Windows. One downside to OSX is that in order to use it you will also need to buy Apple hardware (i.e. a laptop or desktop computer). Unless that is you are willing and able to attempt a ‘hackintosh’, that is running OSX on non-Apple, ordinary PC hardware, but be warned that the process of creating a ‘hackintosh’ machine is no easy feat. However, almost any recent version of OSX is way better than Windows 10, in my opinion, and is a good bet that you will enjoy it if you try it. You can find out more information about OSX at: apple.com.
Fedora Core Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is Fedora Core Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well.
Mandriva Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is Mandriva Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well.
PC Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is PC Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well.
AntiX Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is AntiX Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well.
Open Suse Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is Open Suse Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well.
CentOS Linux

Another good choice for beginning to learn Linux Operating System is CentOS Linux, which like other flavors of linux allows you to try it before installing it and it is similar to the other flavors of linux as well. CentOS is also a popular choice for webservers and cloud servers as well because of its performance and stability.
You really cant go wrong with any recent version of OSX or Linux, however this is a learning curve if you are coming over from Windows so be prepared to work at it and learn new things. Also there are many more flavors of Linux to try out, all the popular distributions of Linux can be compared and found at Distrowatch.com. But you will be rewarded with a new experience which promises to be better than your previous Windows experiences. In my opinion, Windows is getting steadily worse and not better, however, hopefully they will improve their operating systems in the near future……………….. We can only wait and see…………………………………………………………